3 min read
09 Mar

It is clear that women make up a large and important part of the media's audience, and women reporters can identify and inform on important and relevant issues for women. The strong presence of women reporters in different levels and sections of the media reflects the voices of people from different walks of life. There is no doubt that the weak presence of women reporters has a negative impact on the content, quality, effectiveness and universality of media activities.
Lack of access to information, security problems, self-censorship due to threats and fear of the consequences of publishing facts and legal challenges, lack of job security are some of the general problems of journalists, but unfortunately, women journalists face more problems.
Some reports received from the provincial offices of the media, preliminary research and evidence show that the presence of female journalists in the media is due to reasons of insecurity, the reduction of international aid and the impact on the economic status of the media, the government's neglect of the media, gender discrimination, empowerment. Conservative institutions, traditional thoughts and family opposition have decreased.
Brief understanding of the current situation of women in the media:

There are no accurate statistics and information about the number of women in the media in the country.
The presence of women in the media at the provincial level is weak, and in some provinces there are no female reporters
Effective and national programs to improve the capacity of journalists have not been implemented at the provincial level
The role of women in the field of media leadership and management is very weak and limited.
The content of the media is not rich enough and even in some cases, it is mixed with discrimination and a negative view about women, which is itself an unfortunate consequence of promoting misogynistic culture and injecting traditional thoughts.

Unpleasant social interactions, anti-feminist views, the rule of patriarchal culture and incorrect traditions are the main challenges facing female journalists as in the past. Concerns about the influence of social conditions and bigoted thoughts on the activities of female journalists have increased. 

The aggravation of this situation causes the courage and capability of women journalists to fight against social anomalies, and under the influence of the existing atmosphere, they engage in self-censorship and lose their constructive role in the advancement of freedom of expression and reporting on the situation of women. Given and from a defensive position, appear weak and less effective.

Balance and neutrality and the principle of information, which is one of the key principles of media work, are violated in some cases. Issues related to women are not included in the reporting and news agenda for various reasons. In some cases, due to the fear of exposing violence or creating social problems, silence and non-disclosure of information is preferred.
Considering the existing problems and understanding their social responsibility, Tsavi Institute, Committee of Women Journalists and partner institutions, at the same time as celebrating March 8th as International Women's Solidarity Day, considered it a necessity to move out of the existing situation. And we propose the following solutions to the national unity government, the Ministry of Information and Culture, freedom of speech organizations and supporting organizations of media and media specialists for approval based on the current situation:
Media officials should formulate and observe the gender policy, and to raise awareness of women's status from the publication of programs, commercial messages and media products that do not respect gender equality, put human dignity at the center of their publications. Women are not considered in them and it shows gender discrimination.
Due to the lack of specific statistics and figures regarding the presence and problems of women journalists, we request research institutions and those involved in media affairs and supporting institutions to find the root of the problems, challenges and solutions by conducting targeted research and investigations. to do the field Start the country level to design and implement effective plans and programs based on accurate information.
Media officials should provide leadership and decision-making opportunities for women, this will empower women journalists, report more on women's issues and highlight the role of women.

The Ministry of Information and Culture, the media and related institutions should provide professional training for women journalists and increase job opportunities at the national level.
Institutions involved in the media, in order to raise people's awareness, fight misogynistic views and false traditions about the presence of women, in cooperation with civil institutions, religious scholars and ethnic influencers, should undertake joint programs and short-term and long-term practical measures. .
The National Unity Government and national and international organizations that defend the media, in addition to launching programs that, in order to expand the freedom of expression and emphasize the presence of women in the media, have also included the creation and strengthening of institutions that support women journalists as one of their work priorities.

 And on the other hand, institutions that support women journalists, with greater coherence and coordination, should undertake joint programs for the benefit of women and strengthening the presence of women in the media.

And in the end, facing the trend of reducing the presence of women journalists will strengthen their role in balanced information, reporting on the election process, gatherings of civil organizations and advocacy movements, cases of violence against women, the destructive effects of war and terrorism, and other social-political-cultural issues. And it will be economical and it will set a brighter perspective in the shadow of committed, rich and influential media.

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