12 min read
23 Jul

The question of identity has been raised for us for a long time. We got acquainted with this concept for the first time in anthropology lessons. We felt that every day with a greater understanding of ourselves and our surroundings, we find the question of identity more serious than before.

 Who are we and how do others see us? Why do they attribute some characteristics to us that we don't like to hear from anyone? How can we have a better picture than this? What are the elements that make up our identity? How much has our history influenced the identity we have now? Those who have played a role in our history, how well and responsibly have they played their role in shaping our identity, and how much have their actions and behavior contributed to the smallness of our image...? We still struggle with these questions.

 Reviewing the past history and the knowledge we get from the past rulers and politicians of our country makes these questions more serious. Sometimes we suffer. Our work in this article focuses more on the economic activities of the Zahir Shah era, so we cannot go back in time. We cannot escape from history, but our suffering from history and the study of history cannot be hidden either.Reviewing the life and work of Zahir Shah was not pleasant in any way. He has ruled our country for forty years. 

Forty years was not a short time, especially when Zahir Shah was leaning on the seat of power. These forty years were not only wasted freely and easily, but also created the seeds of future sufferings for us.Especially in the field of the country's economy, Zahir Shah was anyone and had any track record, his dealing with the political fate of millions of people was not done with competence and responsibility. This judgment may be pessimistic, but it will not be completely wrong.

Introducing Zahir Shah: Zahir Shah, the son of Nader Shah, was born in 1914. His father Nader Shah paid special attention to Zahir Shah. Zahir Shah was twelve years old when Nader Shah was appointed as the Minister of Afghanistan in France during the reign of Amanullah Khan. Zahershah went to France with his father and studied. 

When Nader Khan became the Shah of Afghanistan, he also asked Zahir Shah from France and Zahir Shah entered Kabul in 1930.  Nader Shah wanted to get to know his homeland and married his brother Ahmad Shah Khan's daughter to Zahir Shah. Nader Shah paid special attention to Zahir Shah from his childhood, and it was for this reason that when Zahir Shah was assigned to a post, he changed his post so that he would be familiar with different tasks. Later, he was appointed by the Deputy Ministry of Education. It is said that Zahershah never felt tired in his work and spoke less and was polite and thought about all aspects of his behavior and words. When Zahirshah was in Italy, he met Amanullah Khan and his photos were posted on a wall newspaper. 

Afghan youths were fascinated by Zahir Shah. When Amanullah Khan died in Switzerland, his body was buried in Afghanistan and in Jalalabad. His eulogy was read by Zahir Shah. In Zahir Shah's family, when Nader Khan was killed, Zahir Shah's uncles appointed him to rule. Although Zahir Shah was young and did not have enough experience, and each of his uncles, including Muhammad Hashim Khan, was familiar with the person and the secrets of politics. 

The interesting thing here is that Mohammad Aziz Khan and Nader Shah were both killed by the students of the school and people thought that maybe the universities and the school would be closed, but on the contrary, the schools and universities were developed and All the work pressure was on the shoulders of Mohammad Hashim Khan. There was no significant change in Zahir Shah's duties when he was a prince and when he became a king. When he came to power, a sermon was read in his name, a coin was minted in his name, and he was given the title of Al-Mutawakkul Ali Allah.

Zahir Shah ascended the royal throne in 1312 and was overthrown by a cold and direct coup d'état by Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan on 26 Cancer 1352.

Zahir Shah and his father's reignMohammad Zahir Shah, the son of Nader Shah, ascended to the throne after his father was killed by Abdul Khaliq Hazare, who attacked the students of Nejat High School during the distribution of certificates. The news of his reign, while the people still did not have accurate information about the death of the previous king, was announced after three hours on the newly established state radio.

 Zahir Shah was 19 years old at this time and the exact date of his accession to the throne is 16 Aqrab 1312 equal to 8 November 1933. Zahir Shah sat on the throne, but his uncles Hashem Khan and Shah Mahmoud Khan carried out his administrative work, and Zahir Shah himself, like Shah Shujaa, one of the previous kings of this land, had no authority.

 The only difference was that Shah Shuja was the puppet of Maknathan and the British, but Zahir Shah was the puppet of two of his uncles.After Zahir Shah came to power, his uncles and government officials started punishing Nader Shah's murderer, and finally, after a decision that was apparently determined by a ruling, the murderer's case went to court. The court sentenced a large number of people who were part of the creator's family and friends to death. 

Also, many others, especially intellectuals and writers, were sentenced to long imprisonment, among which Mir Gholam Mohammad Ghbar can be mentioned. After this incident, the criminals were moved to a room where they were to be tortured. The tools of torture were braziers, tillers, willow sticks, chains, qin, fane, knives, needles, carnations, and the like.Most of the tortures were related to the creator. 

The torturers wanted to hear from him who else was involved in the murder of Nader Khan. The creator's torture was not effective in any way. The creator refused to reveal the names of his friends.  However, in the end, the creator's friends, teacher and family members, his parents, uncle, midwife, and three-year-old sister were painfully murdered. 

Even some of Khaliq's friends who came to see him, if Khaliq knew about their work and activities, he still did not say anything and said that this action was his personal decision. When Khaliq was taken to the execution ground, people were invited to see it and learn about his fate. 

The executioners came and asked the creator with which eye did you aim. Then they removed his eye. In the same way, they asked with which nail did you press the trigger and cut his nails.

Khaliq died after enduring terrible tortures, and another seventeen-year-old youth was executed along with him, who still had a youthful smile on his lips. The government authorities did not show mercy to any of the members of Khaliq's family and killed them all with cruelty, and in this way, Khaliq's family was completely destroyed.

Zahir Shah's Function: During the time of Muhammad Zahir, the political situation inside the country remained largely intact. Only when the supporters of Amanullah started to propagate among the people and the tribes, the government started to depose the tribes for fear of rebellion. The first time, the government started to collect weapons from the Hazarajat areas, but this operation was not successful and the reason was that the Hazaras, with the help of the Gholjais, got the weapons they needed, which were smuggled. It was transferred from abroad to inside the country, they provided. The goal of the Gholjais in this action was to oppose the Deranis and they tried to identify their allies and use them in the north of the country against the Deranis.

Economic activities: During the time of Zahir ShahIn the 1930s, investment fields were prepared in Afghanistan for the economic development of the country. In the late 1930s, a series of special companies were established, which, in addition to commercial transactions, built some factories, especially in the field of light industry growth.At the same time, some private investors without any special encouragement from the government started to create factories and invest in different sectors.

The most interests were in the field of business, which was considered a source of more income. Government revenues were also very small in total and these revenues were mostly used in non-production areas. For this reason, the industries in the country did not grow. The government continued to invest from its own budget in the field of small road construction and irrigation projects.

Among the few industrial factories that were established during these times, we can mention the textile factory in Jabal al-Sarraj and one or two manufacturing factories in Kandahar and some other provinces. In the 1930s, with the capital of the Northern Cotton Union and the help of the Soviet Union, facilities were established in Afghanistan, which included special cotton refining factories in Imam Sahib and Taleghan, Haji Geg iron mine, Baghlan cement and fertilizers. and electricity in Mazar-i-Sharif. The largest cotton refining factory in the country for that time was built in the city of Kunduz, which brought more than 15,000 tons of refined cotton to the market within a year.

A view of the Jabal al-Sarraj factory, which was established during the reign of Mohammad Zahershah
During the time of Mohammad Zahir Shah, there was no significant growth in the field of education. Before the start of World War II, there were 324 primary schools and 60,000 students throughout the country.

 While in 1928 or the end of Amanullah Khan's reign, there were 322 primary schools and 5000 students in the country. The above figures show that during the mentioned period, not much was done by the government regarding the growth and development of education. However, the Mechanical School of Kabul was established in 1937 and the School of Commerce and the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences were established in 1938, which are considered to be the achievements of the government in the field of education.

During the reign of Zahir Shah, the cabinet was chosen by Hashim Khan and announced by Zahir Shah. In order for Hashim Khan's actions to appear legal, Zahir Shah chose him as chancellor. The cabinet held a meeting once a week and each minister gave his work report. Sadr al-Azam interfered in almost all matters. He dictated the sessions of the parliament personally and the secretary took it to the book of approvals.

Chancellery of Sardar Mohammad Hashim KhanThe description of Hashim Khan's childhood and youth is similar to Muhammad Nader Khan's childhood and youth in many ways. Hashim Khan was also born in Deirdoon, India (1886) and like the rest of his brothers, after returning from India to Afghanistan, he reached government/court positions. He also did not agree with Amani reforms. Like Nader Shah, he accepted conservatism and absolute rule.

After killing Nader Shah, Hashim Khan stayed in the north of the country for a week. But he sent his testament to Mohammad Zahirshah earlier in Kabul. His silent return (24 Scorpio) and without formal receptions from him, contrary to what was usual in the past, indicates that a vengeful and oppressive fear had gripped the royal family. 

The vengeful spirit and the motivation to suppress the terrorist in the society led to the continuation and expansion of his angry operations. It was that you will soon get into trouble. That is why he is known as the hard-hearted and ruthless chancellor. The murder of Mohammad Nader Khan, instead of making the members of the royal family aware of the annoying pressures and preventing the persecutory functions of the leader, led to more bloody repressions of countless innocents.

 The heinous murder of Abdul Khaliq, the murderer of Mohammad Nadershah and a number of others who were in prison or did not cooperate with Abdul Khaliq, is the intensification and extension of the bloody acts of Mohammad Hashim's presidency at this time.During his presidency, reforms were made, such as the roads from Kandahar to Herat and the famous Shekhari Valley Road. Similarly, motor roads were built in some provinces and from different provinces to Kabul.

The government of Hashim Khan applied the government's supervision over the relevant affairs in the most strict way in the economic field and commercial and banking branches. An important phenomenon that occurred during his time in the economic life of Afghanistan was the establishment of the National Bank of Afghanistan (1934). "The National Bank with the Afghan Joint Stock Company (which was established earlier) had high financial and technical facilities, and had an impact as a decisive financial pole in the Afghan economy.

In 2014, there were a total of 42 trading companies, the smallest of which was Bradaran Company in the field of leather and boot embroidery with 25,000.00 Afghanis and the largest was National Bank with 21 million Afghanis.   

The chancellor's agreement with one of the capitalists named Abdul Majid Khan Zablei provided the grounds for the establishment of a bank and a number of commercial and manufacturing institutions. Among them are the establishment of Baghlan sugar and Pul-Khumri textile factories, Pashtun Kandahar joint-stock company, Nasaji joint-stock company, Jabal-e-Saraj textile factory, Watan company, Kunduz oil factory, Pul-Khumri textile factory, pashmina weaving factory, electricity factory, etc. 

The skills and experience that Zablei had in the field of economy helped Hashim Khan's government. Political agreements and shared social and cultural vision add to the chancellor's trust and confidence. Until he was in charge of the Ministry of Economy of Afghanistan.

Securing economic relations with prestigious countries of the world such as Germany, Italy, Japan, England, Soviet Russia (Hashim Khan's government managed to sign a contract with America without having political relations for the purpose of oil exploration), regional countries, based on the neutrality of Afghanistan. It supports the policy of slow and conservative economic growth.

For example, the government of Hashim Khan, in spite of his attachment and past interests to England, formed a type of interest to the German Nazis in Afghanistan's foreign policy. In this context, with great caution, he left the way for the continuation of the background policy. With the struggle of the Nazi party, their methods and slogans, which created a wave of optimism in the heart of the Afghan government, did not forget the British. Foreign Minister Faiz Mohammad Khan said in his meeting and negotiations with Hitler: "Afghanistan wishes to get help from Germany, which it considers its older and more advanced brother."

Mohammad Zahershah and Musa Shafiq
Those words of Foreign Minister Hashim Khan were not baseless or diplomatic compliments. 

The system itself accepted and promoted the superior ideas of Arian. It was based on the same beliefs that the Aryan race was described in government publications. In addition to that optimism, which was sometimes hidden and sometimes openly, there was another possible factor that caused the Afghan government to show interest towards Nazi Germany. And this is when it was rumored that Nazi Germany is trying to prepare the ground for the return of the deposed Shah Amanullah Khan with the agreement of the Soviet Union.

In continuation of the efforts made in the field of world politics during the reign of Hashim Khan (1934), Afghanistan achieved inclusion in the League of Nations, which was later called the United Nations, and signed a non-aggression pact with the countries of Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. 

 Normal relations with the Soviet Union continued.One of the biggest challenges during Hashim Khan's presidency was World War II and its effects in Afghanistan. The unfortunate economic and livelihood effects that the Second World War left on most of the world's countries were clearly evident in Afghanistan. 

The factor of the war and its effect on the means of transportation of materials needed by Afghans created a recession in the limited area of production and export and import. For example, due to the fact that the required oil did not reach the markets of Afghanistan, the chancellor personally used a horse to visit his agricultural lands, as in the past. While after the assassination of Mohammad Nadershah, he was traveling with numerous cars and bodyguards.

What appeared during the time of Zahir Shah with the cooperation of Hashem Khan (Prime Minister) Shah:
In 1312, Afghanistan had 165 teachers, 370 male school chapters, and 4591 students. In 1325, it had 2677 teachers, 339 schools and 93344 students.Hashim Khan's government did not favor the establishment of girls' schools.

 Students were sent to European countries, America and Türkiye to learn different fields.Kabul Faculty of Medicine, which was established in 1311, was actually the first core of Kabul University, which was gradually formed with the establishment of the Faculty of Literature, and other faculties in the future. The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences was established in 1317. "Student's letter of instruction and acceptance form" are referred to by the chancellor's order.

 A view of the Kabul Medical School, which was established during the reign of Zahir Shah and Azam Hashem Khan
The School of Sharia Sciences was established in Kabul in 1323." For several years (1324-1316), the teaching of subjects in schools was determined in Pashto language, which was to be taught throughout the country instead of Dari Persian. 

The teachers were also required to attend the learning course but finally the government gave up on that decision and it was decided that in Persian speaking areas all subjects should be taught in Dari and Pashto as the language and in Pashto speaking areas all subjects should be taught in Pashto and Dari as the language and finally Another characteristic of Prime Minister Mohammad Hashim Khan was his greed and interest in amassing more wealth and land, which can be a point of interest even in a comprehensive review of the government's economic plans.Sardar Mohammad Hashim Khan was forced to step down in 1946 due to differences within the royal family and died on October 26, 1953.

The growth of industry during Zahir Shah's reignThe era of progress and progress in Afghanistan began during the time of Mohammad Zahir Shah. In the country, 5-year and 25-year development plans were designed and fully implemented up to 2 stages.

  In the third phase, there were problems in the budget and the fourth phase was successfully completed. As a result, Afghanistan became the owner of 11 ring highways, 5,200 small industries and factories. The state of private and public transportation became better and regular. 

Among the important facilities and factories at that time were Gulbahar textile factory, Bagrami textile factory, Afghan textile factory, Pashmina weaving, Nakhtabi Kabul, Boot Aho, Kandahar wool weaving, Mazar-e-Sharif fertilizer and electricity, soap making, silos, Ghori cement factory, Jabal al-Saraj, and Herat, Pamir bicycle factory, plastic factories, Helmand, Afghani, Banai, Spin Ghar, field road, foundation factory, forest company, concrete sculpting factory, sculpting and carpentry factory, metal cable, dry cleaners, KAMAZ, Afsutar, raisin cleaning factories, banks, international export companies, ports Trade, embassies, ministries, government facilities and buildings, Baghlan Sugar Factory, Mazar-e-Sharif Gin and Press Factory, Spinzer Oil Factory, coal mining and other mines, establishment of schools and high schools, distribution of coupons for raw materials to officials, distribution of laws, Equipped armed forces, formation of political parties, cooperatives and trade unions, printing houses, airfields, residential areas, carpet export company, Qaraqal, etc.

At that time, Afghanistan was self-reliant in terms of agricultural production, and annually exported dry fruits, fresh skins, and medicinal plants. which had kept the balance of the country's economy strong. During the reign of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the exchange rate was fixed and never exceeded 34 afghanis. The establishment of Shahzade exchange house has solved the problems of thousands of traders and other Afghans, and this market still exists today.

The growth of industry during Zahir Shah's reignThe era of progress and progress in Afghanistan began during the time of Mohammad Zahir Shah. In the country, 5-year and 25-year development plans were designed and fully implemented up to 2 stages.

  In the third phase, there were problems in the budget and the fourth phase was successfully completed. As a result, Afghanistan became the owner of 11 ring highways, 5,200 small industries and factories. 

The state of private and public transportation became better and regular. Among the important facilities and factories at that time were Gulbahar textile factory, Bagrami textile factory, Afghan textile factory, Pashmina weaving, Nakhtabi Kabul, Boot Aho, Kandahar wool weaving, Mazar-e-Sharif fertilizer and electricity, soap making, silos, Ghori cement factory, Jabal al-Saraj, and Herat, Pamir bicycle factory,  plastic factories, Helmand, Afghani, Banai, Spin Ghar, field road, foundation factory, forest company, concrete sculpting factory, sculpting and carpentry factory, metal cable, dry cleaners, KAMAZ, Afsutar, raisin cleaning factories, banks, international export companies, ports Trade, embassies, ministries, government facilities and buildings, Baghlan Sugar Factory, Mazar-e-Sharif Gin and Press Factory, Spinzer Oil Factory, coal mining and other mines, establishment of schools and high schools, distribution of coupons for raw materials to officials, distribution of laws, Equipped armed forces, formation of political parties, cooperatives and trade unions, printing houses, airfields, residential areas, carpet export company, Qaraqal, etc.At that time, Afghanistan was self-reliant in terms of agricultural production, and annually exported dry fruits, fresh skins, and medicinal plants.

Which had kept the balance of the country's economy strong. During the reign of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the exchange rate was fixed and never exceeded 34 afghanis. The establishment of Shahzade exchange house has solved the problems of thousands of traders and other Afghans, and this market still exists today...

Hasibullah Yousufi

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