The local authorities of Faryab Province report the field trial of the Taliban in this province.
Faryab Police Spokesman Abdul Karim Yorush says that the Taliban group killed a 25-year-old woman in Ghalibyan village of Garzivan district on charges of illicit relations, and broke both legs of a 20-year-old boy with an ax and cut off ten of his fingers.Mr. Yorush emphasized that this lady's name is Farzaneh and she is married and has two children.
This security official adds that this woman was cut into pieces by her father after being killed by the Taliban.
According to Mr. Yorush, this 20-year-old boy who was tried by the Taliban in the field was also a member of this group.
Faryab in northern Afghanistan is considered one of the most insecure provinces of this country, the Taliban group is active in most of the districts of this province.
Mahshid Yousufi